It’s finally here. Our shiny custom-coloured shipping container, fitted with shelves and ready to house the Manchester Library of Things.
We navigated a course through planning permission, funding challenges and access concerns, but our container was finally delivered and safely installed on site at Levenshulme Old Library in April 2023. We think it’s the perfect fit – a new kind of library, on the site of a much-loved former library (and now a thriving community and arts centre!)

We’ve got floors, we’ve got shelves and we’ve got insurance. So we’re ready to stock MCRLOT with all the useful things a community could need. If you have something you no longer use or need, please consider donating it to our project. It needs to be in good condition, from a good brand and fully working (with no damage).
Check out our wish list here, to see what we’re looking for. We’re holding a donation day on Saturday 15th July, 12.30pm to 2.30pm, at Levenshulme Old Library. The address is Cromwell Grove, M19 3QE. We can’t promise we can take everything, but we’ll make sure that anything we don’t take is recycled if possible.